Herren U12 - Turniere

Hinten v.l.n.r: Nelson Aegerter, Konstantinos Nikolaidis, Elliot Mäder, Robin Leopold, Vincent Meier, Keyan Yalcin, Filip Omazic, Petar Petrovski

Vorne v.l.n.r.: Konstantinos Foskolos, Marko Zmijanjac, Panos Nikolaidis (Coach), Levi Thursanthini, Kaya Cevic

Es fehlen: Nevis Widmer, Musa Kasumi, Arov Breuer

Zwischenbericht Hinrunde:

The players are highly motivated and are learning and absorbing the fundamental skills that we are trying to teach them. They work very well together and work as a team. At the beginning of the season they were approaching the game as individual units, but quickly adapted to the idea of basketball being a team sport.

At the tournaments we have a lot of players participating which is great and I have to choose from the 16 players that are regularly joining the practises, which 12 will play.

So far we have no players who joined the team and stopped coming. They are all engaged to the team.


Montag 18:00 - 19:20 Burghalde 1
Freitag 18:00 - 19:30 Tannegg unten